Wednesday, February 22, 2012

LIFE - It's not about how you play the game ~ But how you Live it!!

As I was sitting watching TV the other night a commercial came on for the Honda CVR. I have seen this commercial several times before but never really paid attention to the words. They went something like this -"Life moves along pretty quick, if you don't stop and look around a little bit, you could miss it!"
I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote those words down. How true those words are and I guess I am really realizing that alot lately as I am getting older. This past fall was really and eye opener for me about how quickly life goes by. Both of our sons were married this past fall of 2011. WHAT!!! Are you kidding me??? How did that happen?? It seems just like yesterday they were those cute little boys following me around. I remember having people tell us, "Enjoy them while they are young, because before you know it, they will be all grown up and married". Where did time go? Now we are saying that to younger couples with young children.
Life ~ The game is alot of fun to play, but Life itself is hard and sometimes just doesn't seem fair. I can honestly say that life has been pretty good to me. I had a great childhood with very loving parents, married my husband Jack and had two wonderful sons. We had a lot of fun with our boys and even though we might not have been the perfect parents, we did our best to have quality time with them. Family time was very important to us, even though sometimes they didn't think so.
Life has been good to the Weight family but that's not saying that it hasn't been hard. We have had many ups and downs and still do, but with God's help we are trying to make the most of our life together as a family. As the saying goes, "Life is too short, enjoy every moment of it".
Twelve years ago this coming June I lost my mom to cancer, talk about life not being fair!!! She was only 76 years old. I felt like I didn't have enough time with her. She was such a wonderful mother and grandmother to our boys. She use to always say, "Live everyday like it could be your last". I am very grateful for how she lived her life and how she left that wonderful heritage to her whole family. Before she passed away my sister Trudy went and had my mom tell her many stories about her life and then put it in a small book for all of our family. I am so glad she was able to do that. I sometimes wish I had taken more time to sit with her and hear her tell those stories, but we lived so far away but I cherish every moment I had with her.
This year my father will be 91. He is such an amazing man and has been a wonderful father over many, many years. Jack and I are so thankful for his love and support that he has shown us time and time again. Almost 5 years ago he married my stepmom, Joyce. I truly believe after my mom died, he felt like his life was over. He was very lonely but God brought a wonderful Christian lady into his life and I just love her.
We now live back in our home state of Delaware and I am enjoying being so close to family. We live only 20 minutes to an hour away from the boys and their wives and we are going to enjoy living life together especially as our family grows!!!
The past couple of weeks I have been doing some Interior decorating with my husbands help at my dads. We went from one project to another but as of this past Monday, everything is complete. I had alot of fun doing everything but my greatest moment was sitting with my dad on Monday and just sitting and listening to him talk about life. His life when he first met my mom and then married her after my mom gave back his ring many times. His life as becoming a believer and how hard it was with my mom not having that relationship with God. He would go to church without her but then one day he came home and she told him that she asked Jesus to come into her life and their lives changed from that moment. As my dad continued with the story, he told me that our lives would be so different today if my mom never had that relationship with God.
They would have never left their home state of Michigan to go far away from their families to go to a Christian college in Delaware, which by the way was my moms idea for my dad to go to college. They had 3 young children at the time, Everett, Gary and my sister Trudy. They might not have had anymore children, which means Tim and my sister Debby and Me! wouldn't be here if my mom and dad didn't move to Delaware. I would have never met Jack and we wouldn't have Jack and Bryan which means they wouldn't have their wives and sooo many others would not have met their mates through the church or school and most importantly many would be lost and without Christ in their lives. God knew the plans He had for all of us starting from the time that both of my parents asked Jesus into their hearts.
 I have shared this story with you for a very important reason. I realized while I was sitting with my dad and listening to him tell many stories from the past until now that life is so short and what am I doing with it? What are you doing with it?
I want to cherish every moment that I can with my dad and stepmom. I want to spend everyday living life to the fullest with my husband. I want to enjoy my sons and their wives and future children and trust me, I can not wait to become a Nana!! I don't want to waste going through life without stopping and taking the time to be with the ones I love. Family is so important and sad to say, many of us today are too busy to take the time to spend that quaility time together. Don't let life pass you by, Live life to the Fullest with the ones you love!!! Don't have regrets or wait until it's too late to spend with your family.  We are all not promised tomorrow, so how are you living your life today?

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