Saturday, February 4, 2012

HAPPINESS: Experiencing His Joy!

Happineness can be defined as a feeling of spiritual contentment that will carry you through the triumphs, pitfalls, or even heartaches of life with calm stability, serenity, peace of mind, and tranquility (Matt. 5:3-12). Happiness may or may not be related to the happenings in your life.  In many instances, the outward happenings in a life affect our attitudes. However, happiness is also an act of the will (Ps. 144:15). We all have things "happen" in our lives that give us reason to be unhappy, but we have the power through Christ to make our own response to those happenings. Happiness is a potential positive choice.
Jesus gives some characteristics that promote a response of happiness (meekness, righteousness, merciful, peacemakers; Matt. 5:8-11. A believer must concentrate not on doing, but on BEING and LIVING! Total commitment to the Lord will result in a believer's instinctive Christlike response to various happenings as they occur. You must appropriate the tools God has given (His Word and His indwelling Spirit) in order to pursue happiness (Prov.3:13; 29:18). Happiness is enjoying everything the Lord has given you and not fretting about the things that have been taken away or withheld. Happiness is trusting in God's sovereignty and omniscience. You must believe that in EVERY "happening" God will work for your good (Rom. 8:28). Happiness comes from daily obedience and faith in the Lord.

As I was reading Proverbs 16 in the Womans Study Bible the above instructional notes were given. I have realized that my greatest "Joy" comes from when I put all my trust in God to take care of me no matter what I am going through. You know the old saying, "If mamma ain't happy, no one is happy". You can find happiness and real joy in everything, even though it may seem like you can't, but with God you can. You determine your happiness!! Don't allow satan to steal your joy!! Your attitude determines everything, so determine to have joy, REAL JOY!!

Love you all!!


  1. Thanks for sharing these encouraging words. I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts. So happy to hear that you are not allowing Satan to steal your joy. Have a blessed day. :-)
